The Pandemic has become a burden on businesses. I suppose your business is no different. Not to worry! Here are 8 ways to save your business from the recession. Bin It Bin it! Throw your 12-month growth plan out of the window. As situations change businesses must change. This is not the time to think about growth but it is time to think about survival! Breathe! Control yourself, don’t panic, breathe. I know it is very hard but this is not the time to panic. Your employees are looking for leadership from you. Stay calm and collected. Suspend Stop all unnecessary spending immediately! Remember cash is king. This is not the time to make that major investment. Do as much as you can to save cash and only spend on the most essential things. You must sell all non-productive assets to generate extra cash for your business. All the assets that do not bring value to your business sell them Is there anything you can digitize to save on empl...