PROF. P. P. SINGH A TRIBUTE BY PROF. IQBAL SACHDEVA As the clock struck six in the evening, Prof. P P Singh, the founder director of the Punjab University Department of Journalism, entered the class room, which was the demonstration laboratory for the Hart Court Butler high School, that ran the day shift in their premises. All the sixty students, rose from their seats to show their respect for the veteran of journalism training in India. The students, many of them, were grown up working people in their mid forties. Prof. Singh was a stocky, heavy weight dark looking person with a melon like head and rather looked sad and serious. During my studentship in the course, I had rarely seen him smiling. As he slumped in the speakers’ chair, we got all ready to face the two and more hours ordeal to listen to his mono tones. Some of us were rather young and almost fresh out of college after graduation, but with green heads on grey shoulders....