KOLKATA imPRESS CLUB by IQBAL SACHDEVA The day Khushwant Singh left Kolkata, after trashing Gurudev Tagore, I had the misfortune of landing there. Naturally the Bengali sentiment had been seriously hurt. Winding my way through Maidan, as I barged into the Kolkata Press Club. a tipsy journo from the ‘Basumati’ newspaper, spotting me a turbaned sardar, hailed me scornfully to the club bar. ‘ Eee shala Khushwant Singh ki bolchi?’ ( What rubbish this Khushwant Singh talks?). Tumee ki khabo, Whisky, Rum or Beer? (What do you prefer, Whisky, Rum or Beer?), he asked thrusting his hospitality on me ‘Chede dao Dada, eeh Sardar pagal hoi galo. (Forget it, this Sardar has gone mad), I said to pacify him. There after he started talking patriotism, friendship and communal harmony. It had rained heavily in the day and the evening was cool & pleasant. Several scribes sat in groups on the grassy lawn on carelessly strewn chairs and tables. ‘Tumake Monibab...